Tuesday, November 3, 2015

First day at my internship

Oh golly how should I start this?
Well today was my first day at my internship and I wasn't expecting to do much but I literally did nothing. All I did was sit there and watch my 'teacher' do all the work. I couldn't even help sanitize the rooms. My so called 'teacher' was a medical assistant who's been doing this for almost 20 years so she has a lot of experience. However she seemed dull. She really had no expression and she was monotone. I saw her pictures and she was smiling so I'm a bit baffled. I tried to tell myself that the first day isn't all sugar plums and sunshine. I guess I was just expecting a little too much from an internship. 

Okay enough with the negativity.. I got to see so many babies! I even got to see new born baby twin boys which filled my heart with warmth. Sadly most of the babies I've seen today needed shots so I expected them to cry. They did better then a 4 year old getting her kindergarten physical and shots.. Boy did she scream.. My eardrums nearly bled. At least she got a lollipop and a free book. 
A young boy walked in because of hypertension (high blood pressure) when really he had low blood pressure. His complaint was that every time he gets up he gets dizzy. I asked if he drinks enough water and funny I mentioned, he doesn't drink much water at all so I think I solved someones concern at least. 

I kept thinking to myself if I was being too friendly with the staff because they all seemed stiff. I thought to myself maybe I need to harden up a bit and not be 'too friendly' because I got this "you're a total weirdo' vibe from the medical assistant. It's just who I am and I can't help it. I'm just going to stick through it and not let it get to me.