Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Forensic Nurse

Sounds pretty foreign doesn't it? Well it's not actually. Forensic Nurses help investigate crimes like sexual and physical assault, and accidental death. They are trained in medical evidence collection and the criminal justice system. As a Forensic Nurse, your job will be detail-oriented, with most of your time spent in hospital emergency rooms, helping interpret any first signs of foul play. You’ll also testify in court as an expert medical witness. 


  • Take blood and tissue samples
  • Photograph and measure wounds
  • Collect other vital evidence on the body
  • Provide support and encouragement for victims       


  • Fast-paced
  • Structured
  • Patient-facing
  • Research-oriented

. Get your Associates of Science and Nursing (ASN)  or Bachelor of Science and Nursing (BSN)
. Pass your NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination.)
. Pass: Pediatric, or Adolescent/Adult Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner certification exam 
. Become a: Certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner

What is the Importance of Forensic Nursing?
Borrowing on their training and experience in observation as a part of their care-giving role, the forensic nurse has the unique position of being a qualified medical professional trained to observe, recognize, collect and appropriately document evidence that ultimately becomes foundational to establishing the legal causation and responsibility for traumatic injury.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners

Sexual assault nurse examiners offer compassionate, prompt care to victims of sexual assault. Qualified through a specialized forensic nursing education, they assess and evaluate injuries that a victim has suffered; locate, collect and package forensic evidence relevant to the crime; and provide information or referrals regarding the victim's continued care. In the court room, sexual assault nurse examiners represent the victim, serving as expert witnesses who offer testimony based on their documented evidence.

Legal Nurse Consultants

Legal nurse consultants aid attorneys working on civil cases where the law and medicine overlap. Some of these situations might include medical malpractice, personal injury, workers' compensation and probate. Legal nurse consultants apply their forensic nursing education and clinical experience to interpret, research and analyze the medically-related information relevant to a case or claim, educating attorneys about medical facts and acting as liaisons between attorneys, physicians and clients.
These are just 2 forensic careers a nurse can do if he/she wants to become a specialist. Seems pretty scary... You have to be good with blood in order to do this job.